Cara mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan Notifikasi dari Pusat Keamanan Windows
Keamanan Windows akan mengirimkan pemberitahuan dengan informasi penting tentang kesehatan dan keamanan perangkat Anda. Anda dapat menentukan pemberitahuan informasi yang Anda inginkan. Dalam posting ini, kami akan menunjukkan kepada Anda cara mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan Notifikasi dari Pusat Keamanan(enable or disable Notifications from the Windows Security Center) Windows di Windows 10.
Dimulai dengan Windows 10 versi 1709, Anda dapat mengaktifkan kebijakan Sembunyikan pemberitahuan tidak penting(Hide non-critical notification) atau Sembunyikan semua pemberitahuan(Hide all notifications) .
Sembunyikan pemberitahuan tidak penting(Hide non-critical notification) – Jika diaktifkan, hanya pemberitahuan penting yang akan ditampilkan dari Keamanan Windows(Windows Security) . Pengguna lokal(Local) hanya akan melihat pemberitahuan penting dari Pusat Keamanan Windows Defender(Windows Defender Security Center) . Mereka tidak akan melihat jenis pemberitahuan lain, seperti PC biasa atau informasi kesehatan perangkat.
Sembunyikan semua pemberitahuan(Hide all notifications) – Jika diaktifkan, pengguna lokal tidak akan melihat pemberitahuan apa pun dari Keamanan Windows(Windows Security) . Ini akan menimpa kebijakan Sembunyikan pemberitahuan tidak penting(Hide non-critical notification) .
Jika Anda khawatir dengan notifikasi yang akan diredam karena tidak ingin melewatkan notifikasi penting keamanan sistem, Anda dapat melihat tabel di akhir postingan ini untuk mengetahui notifikasi mana yang akan dinonaktifkan.
Aktifkan atau nonaktifkan Notifikasi dari Pusat Keamanan Windows(Windows Security Center)
Karena ini adalah operasi registri, Anda disarankan untuk mencadangkan registri(back up the registry) atau membuat titik pemulihan sistem sebagai tindakan pencegahan yang diperlukan.
1] Aktifkan(Enable) atau Nonaktifkan Notifikasi Non-kritis dari Keamanan Windows(Windows Security) menggunakan file REG
Untuk mengaktifkan(To enable) Notifikasi Tidak Penting dari Keamanan Windows(Windows Security) , lakukan hal berikut:
- Tekan Windows key + R untuk menjalankan dialog Run.
- Di kotak dialog Run, ketik notepad dan tekan Enter untuk membuka Notepad.
- Salin dan tempel sintaks di bawah ini ke editor teks.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender Security Center\Notifications] "DisableEnhancedNotifications"=-
- Sekarang, klik opsi File dari menu dan pilih tombol Save As .
- Pilih lokasi (sebaiknya desktop) di mana Anda ingin menyimpan file.
- Masukkan nama dengan ekstensi .reg (mis; (.reg)Enable_NonCritical_Notification.reg ).
- Pilih Semua File(All Files) dari daftar drop-down Save as type .
- Klik dua kali file (Double-click).reg yang disimpan untuk menggabungkannya.
- Jika diminta, klik Run > Ya(Yes) ( UAC ) > Yes > OK untuk menyetujui penggabungan.
- Anda sekarang dapat menghapus file .reg jika Anda mau.
Untuk menonaktifkan(To disable) Notifikasi Tidak Penting dari Keamanan Windows(Windows Security) , lakukan hal berikut:
- Buka Notepad.
- Salin dan tempel sintaks di bawah ini ke editor teks.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender Security Center\Notifications] "DisableEnhancedNotifications"=dword:00000001
- Ulangi langkah yang sama seperti di atas, tetapi dalam kasus ini, simpan file reg sebagai Disable_NonCritical_Notification.reg .
2] Aktifkan(Enable) atau Nonaktifkan Semua Pemberitahuan(Disable All Notifications) dari Keamanan Windows(Windows Security) menggunakan file REG
Untuk mengaktifkan(To enable) Semua Pemberitahuan dari Keamanan Windows(Windows Security) , lakukan hal berikut:
- Tekan Windows key + R untuk menjalankan dialog Run.
- Di kotak dialog Run, ketik notepad dan tekan Enter untuk membuka Notepad.
- Salin dan tempel sintaks di bawah ini ke editor teks.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender Security Center\Notifications] "DisableNotifications"=-
- Sekarang, klik opsi File dari menu dan pilih tombol Save As .
- Pilih lokasi (sebaiknya desktop) di mana Anda ingin menyimpan file.
- Masukkan nama dengan ekstensi .reg (mis; (.reg)Enable_All_Notification_WSC.reg ).
- Pilih Semua File(All Files) dari daftar drop-down Save as type .
- Klik dua kali file (Double-click).reg yang disimpan untuk menggabungkannya.
- Jika diminta, klik Run > Ya(Yes) ( UAC ) > Yes > OK untuk menyetujui penggabungan.
- Anda sekarang dapat menghapus file .reg jika Anda mau.
Untuk menonaktifkan(To disable) Semua Pemberitahuan dari Keamanan Windows(Windows Security) , lakukan hal berikut:
- Buka Notepad.
- Salin dan tempel sintaks di bawah ini ke editor teks.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender Security Center\Notifications] "DisableNotifications"=dword:00000001
- Ulangi langkah yang sama seperti di atas, tetapi dalam kasus ini, simpan file reg sebagai Disable_All_Notification_WSC.reg .
Pemberitahuan Keamanan Windows
Purpose | Notification text | Toast Identifier | Critical? |
Network isolation | Your IT administrator has caused Windows Defender to disconnect your device. Contact IT help desk. | SENSE_ISOLATION | Yes |
Network isolation customized | Company name has caused Windows Defender to disconnect your device. Contact IT help desk phone number, email address, url. | SENSE_ISOLATION_CUSTOM (body) | Yes |
Restricted access | Your IT administrator has caused Windows Defender to limit actions on this device. Some apps may not function as expected. Contact IT help desk. | SENSE_PROCESS_RESTRICTION | Yes |
Restricted access customized | Company has caused Windows Defender to limit actions on this device. Some apps may not function as expected. Contact IT help desk. | SENSE_PROCESS_RESTRICTION_CUSTOM (body) | Yes |
HVCI, driver compat check fails (upon trying to enable) | There may be an incompatibility on your device. | HVCI_ENABLE_FAILURE | Yes |
HVCI, reboot needed to enable | The recent change to your protection settings requires a restart of your device. | HVCI_ENABLE_SUCCESS | Yes |
Item skipped in scan, due to exclusion setting, or network scanning disabled by admin | The Microsoft Defender Antivirus scan skipped an item due to exclusion or network scanning settings. | ITEM_SKIPPED | Yes |
Remediation failure | Microsoft Defender Antivirus couldn’t completely resolve potential threats. | CLEAN_FAILED | Yes |
Follow-up action (restart & scan) | Microsoft Defender Antivirus found threat in file name. Please restart and scan your device. Restart and scan | MANUALSTEPS_REQUIRED | Yes |
Follow-up action (restart) | Microsoft Defender Antivirus found threat in file. Please restart your device. | WDAV_REBOOT | Yes |
Follow-up action (Full scan) | Microsoft Defender Antivirus found threat in file. Please run a full scan of your device. | FULLSCAN_REQUIRED | Yes |
Sample submission prompt | Review files that Windows Defender will send to Microsoft. Sending this information can improve how Microsoft Defender Antivirus helps protect your device. | SAMPLE_SUBMISSION_REQUIRED | Yes |
OS support ending warning | Support for your version of Windows is ending. When this support ends, Microsoft Defender Antivirus won’t be supported, and your device might be at risk. | SUPPORT_ENDING | Yes |
OS support ended, device at risk | Support for your version of Windows has ended. Microsoft Defender Antivirus is no longer supported, and your device might be at risk. | SUPPORT_ENDED and SUPPORT_ENDED_NO_DEFENDER | Yes |
Summary notification, items found | Microsoft Defender Antivirus successfully took action on n threats since your last summary. Your device was scanned n times. | RECAP_FOUND_THREATS_SCANNED | No |
Summary notification, items found, no scan count | Microsoft Defender Antivirus successfully took action on n threats since your last summary. | RECAP_FOUND_THREATS | No |
Summary notification, no items found, scans performed | Microsoft Defender Antivirus did not find any threats since your last summary. Your device was scanned n times. | RECAP_NO THREATS_SCANNED | No |
Summary notification, no items found, no scans | Microsoft Defender Antivirus did not find any threats since your last summary. | RECAP_NO_THREATS | No |
Scan finished, manual, threats found | Microsoft Defender Antivirus scanned your device at timestamp on date, and took action against threats. | RECENT_SCAN_FOUND_THREATS | No |
Scan finished, manual, no threats found | Microsoft Defender Antivirus scanned your device at timestamp on date. No threats were found. | RECENT_SCAN_NO_THREATS | No |
Threat found | Microsoft Defender Antivirus found threats. Get details. | CRITICAL | No |
LPS on notification | Microsoft Defender Antivirus is periodically scanning your device. You’re also using another antivirus program for active protection. | PERIODIC_SCANNING_ON | No |
Long running BaFS | Your IT administrator requires a security scan of this item. The scan could take up to n seconds. | BAFS | No |
Long running BaFS customized | Company requires a security scan of this item. The scan could take up to n seconds. | BAFS_DETECTED_CUSTOM (body) | No |
Sense detection | This application was removed because it was blocked by your IT security settings | WDAV_SENSE_DETECTED | No |
Sense detection customized | This application was removed because it was blocked by your IT security settings | WDAV_SENSE_DETECTED_CUSTOM (body) | No |
Ransomware specific detection | Microsoft Defender Antivirus has detected threats which may include ransomware. | WDAV_RANSOMWARE_DETECTED | No |
ASR (HIPS) block | Your IT administrator caused Windows Defender Security Center to block this action. Contact your IT help desk. | HIPS_ASR_BLOCKED | No |
ASR (HIPS) block customized | Company caused Windows Defender Security Center to block this action. Contact your IT help desk. | HIPS_ASR_BLOCKED_CUSTOM (body) | No |
CFA (FolderGuard) block | Controlled folder access blocked process from making changes to the folder path | FOLDERGUARD_BLOCKED | No |
Network protect (HIPS) network block customized | Company caused Windows Defender Security Center to block this network connection. Contact your IT help desk. | HIPS_NETWORK_BLOCKED_CUSTOM (body) | No |
Network protection (HIPS) network block | Your IT administrator caused Windows Defender Security Center to block this network connection. Contact your IT help desk. | HIPS_NETWORK_BLOCKED | No |
PUA detection, not blocked | Your settings cause the detection of any app that might perform unwanted actions on your computer. | PUA_DETECTED | No |
PUA notification | Your IT settings caused Microsoft Defender Antivirus to block an app that may potentially perform unwanted actions on your device. | PUA_BLOCKED | No |
PUA notification, customized | Company caused Microsoft Defender Antivirus to block an app that may potentially perform unwanted actions on your device. | PUA_BLOCKED_CUSTOM (body) | No |
Network isolation ended | No | ||
Network isolation ended, customized | No | ||
Restricted access ended | No | ||
Restricted access ended, customized | No | ||
Dynamic lock on, but bluetooth off | No | ||
Dynamic lock on, bluetooth on, but device unpaired | No | ||
Dynamic lock on, bluetooth on, but unable to detect device | No | ||
NoPa or federated no hello | No | ||
NoPa or federated hello broken | No |
Tabel di atas bersumber dari Microsoft .
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