Bicara tentang hal yang rumit untuk dilakukan: menginstal Windows melalui jaringan. Bahkan menginstalnya melalui drive USB(USB drive) lebih sederhana. Namun, bukan berarti tidak bisa dilakukan. Menggunakan alat gratis bernama Serva dan sedikit waktu dan perhatian(time and attention) , siapa pun dapat mengatur lingkungan jaringannya(network environment) sehingga instalasi Windows dapat dilakukan dengan mudah, dari satu komputer jaringan(network computer) . Inilah cara kerja seluruh proses!
Ada banyak hal yang perlu Anda persiapkan sebelumnya, agar semuanya berjalan lancar. Tolong(Please) jangan lewatkan salah satu dari elemen ini atau kemungkinan kegagalan akan tinggi:
You need to download and extract a little tool named Serva. Download the appropriate version for your operating system (32-bit or 64-bit). You will notice that there are a "Non-Supporter" version and a "Supporter" version. The free one is the "Non-Supporter" version. It includes a small annoyance when you start it, plus a few limitations that won't impact you unless you are a network admin or IT professional who needs to install lots of operating systems on many network computers. If you are such a professional, go ahead and purchase the "Supporter" version which costs a fair $29.99.

You need the original installation files for the operating system(s) you want to install over the network. Have them at hand as you will need to copy them to a special folder, as they are, without modifications.
For the computers where you are about to install Windows over the network, identify their exact network card model(s). Then, download the appropriate drivers for the Windows version you are about to install on them. By default, Windows setup programs support a limited number of network cards. If your system is rather new, then it is very likely that it won't support its network card and the installation procedure will fail.
Every time you run Serva, run it as administrator. This way it has the required permissions to create files, save the settings you make, etc.
When you run Serva, make sure that it is not blocked by your firewall. The application must be set as allowed on the computer where it runs, otherwise it won't be able to transfer anything over the network.
The computer where the installation files are stored and the one where you want to install Windows must be part of the same network. This means that you have a router on your home network, managing network IP addresses and network traffic. If not, then you should directly connect the two computers with a crossover cable.
Langkah 1(Step 1) - Jalankan Serva & Buat(Run Serva & Make) Konfigurasi Awal(Initial Configuration)
Jalankan Serva(Run Serva) sebagai administrator. Versi gratis akan meminta Anda untuk menunggu selama 7 detik sebelum Anda dapat menggunakannya. Setelah penantian selesai, klik "Terima kasih, bukan hari ini"("Thanks, not today") .

Jendelanya sekarang terbuka. Klik Pengaturan(Settings) .

Pertama, buka tab DHCP . Jika komputer Anda adalah bagian dari jaringan yang sama dan pengelolaan Alamat IP(IP Addresses) ditangani oleh router Anda, aktifkan pengaturan ini: proxyDHCP dan BINL .

BINL adalah add-on khusus yang bertindak sebagai perpanjangan protokol DHCP(DHCP protocol) dan digunakan oleh Serva selama prosedur persiapan dan pemeliharaannya(preparation and maintenance procedures) . proxyDHCP adalah pengaturan khusus yang memberi tahu Serva bahwa ia tidak perlu bertindak sebagai server DCHP(DCHP server) untuk memberikan alamat IP ke komputer yang terhubung dengannya.
Meskipun pengembang Serva tidak menyarankan untuk mengaktifkan pengaturan ini, kami telah mempelajari dalam pengujian kami bahwa ini membantu menghilangkan beberapa masalah. Oleh karena itu(Therefore) , aktifkan juga kotak yang bertuliskan "Bind DHCP to this address" dan biarkan alamat IP(IP address) default yang disediakan.

Tidak perlu mengubah pengaturan lain di tab ini. Selanjutnya(Next) , buka tab TFTP .
TFTP berasal dari Trivial File Transfer Protocol dan merupakan protokol yang digunakan oleh Serva untuk mentransfer file melalui jaringan. Protokol ini membutuhkan sedikit konfigurasi juga.
Pertama, centang kotak di dekat TFTP Server . Kemudian, Anda perlu menentukan apa yang disebut direktori "root". Ini adalah direktori di mana Anda berencana untuk menyimpan file instalasi Windows(Windows installation) . Folder ini bisa menjadi folder yang sama tempat Anda mengekstrak Serva atau yang baru. Ingatlah bahwa Anda harus menggunakan jalur pendek dan menghindari penggunaan spasi dan karakter khusus (*, &, ", dll) dalam nama direktori(directory name) atau jalurnya.

Untuk membantu menghilangkan masalah di beberapa lingkungan jaringan, Anda mungkin juga ingin mencentang kotak di dekat "Ikat TFTP ke alamat ini" dan biarkan ("Bind TFTP to this address")alamat IP(IP address) default tidak berubah.

Tekan OK untuk menyimpan pengaturan Anda. Kemudian tutup Serva dan mulai lagi (sebagai administrator). Selama restart, itu akan membuat struktur folder(folder structure) khusus di folder root(root folder) yang Anda tentukan.

Di antara(Amongst) folder-folder itu, Anda harus menemukan satu bernama WIA_WDS dan satu lagi bernama WIA_RIS . Jika mereka tidak ditemukan di dalam folder root(root folder) yang Anda tentukan, ada yang tidak beres dengan konfigurasi Serva . Jika semuanya baik-baik saja, lanjutkan dan baca bagian selanjutnya dalam artikel ini.
Langkah 2(Step 2) - Salin File Instalasi Windows(Windows Installation Files)
Buka folder root(root folder) yang Anda tentukan. Di sini, Anda perlu menyalin file instalasi Windows(Windows installation) apa adanya, tanpa modifikasi apa pun dari pihak Anda.
Jika Anda ingin menginstal versi Windows yang lebih lama seperti Windows XP atau Windows(Windows XP or Windows) 2000, Anda perlu menyalin file-file tersebut di folder WIA_RIS . Karena sistem operasi ini sudah sangat tua dan kami tidak menyarankan untuk menggunakannya, kami tidak akan memberikan instruksi khusus untuk mereka.
Jika Anda berencana untuk menginstal Windows Vista , Windows 7 atau Windows 8 , maka buka folder WIA_WDS . Di sana, buat folder baru bernama sesuai dengan versi Windows(Windows version) yang ingin Anda salin. Gunakan(Use) nama folder sederhana, tanpa spasi atau karakter khusus. Misalnya, saya menggunakan Windows_7 .

Buat(Create) folder terpisah, dengan nama berbeda untuk semua versi Windows yang akan Anda instal melalui jaringan, menggunakan Serva .
Di dalam folder itu, salin dan tempel(copy and paste) semua file instalasi untuk versi Windows(Windows version) yang ingin Anda instal melalui jaringan. Cukup(Simply) pergi ke root disk instalasi(installation disc) , dan salin seluruh struktur file dan foldernya(file and folder structure) .
Langkah 3 - Mulai Layanan
Mulai Serva(Start Serva) lagi, sebagai administrator dan tunggu(administrator and wait) hingga mendeteksi file instalasi yang Anda tambahkan. Ini akan membuat struktur folder(folder structure) khusus , yang diperlukan untuk mendistribusikan file instalasi melalui jaringan.
Kemudian, tutup Serva dan lanjutkan ke langkah berikutnya.
Langkah 4(Step 4) - Salin Driver Kartu Jaringan(Network Card Driver)
Selanjutnya, Anda perlu menyalin driver kartu jaringan(network card) untuk komputer tempat Anda ingin menginstal Windows .
Buka folder tempat Anda menyalin file instalasi. Dalam kasus saya itu adalah "D:serva" (baik root dan folder instalasi Serva(root and Serva installation folder) ), diikuti oleh "WIA_WDSWindows_7" .

Di sana, buka "$OEM$$1DriversNIC" . Jika Anda tidak dapat menemukan folder ini, buat sendiri.
Kemudian, ekstrak driver kartu jaringan(network card) dan letakkan di dalamnya. Jika driver Anda datang sebagai setup.exe atau sebagai arsip self-extractable, ekstrak terlebih dahulu. Pastikan file ".inf" dan ".cat" driver disimpan langsung di folder NIC(NIC folder) .
Langkah 5(Step 5) - Bagikan Folder WIA_WDS(WIA_WDS Folder) dengan Jaringan
Agar Serva mendistribusikan file penginstalan Windows(Windows installation) melalui jaringan, file tersebut harus dibagikan dengan jaringan, sehingga komputer lain dapat mengaksesnya. Sayangnya, Serva mengharuskan Anda untuk membagikan folder WIA_WDS (dan bukan subfoldernya atau folder lainnya) menggunakan nama berbagi(share name) yang sangat spesifik : WIA_WDS_SHARE . Menggunakan nama berbagi(share name) lainnya berarti bahwa prosedur penginstalan(installation procedure) kemungkinan besar akan gagal.

Untuk membagikan folder ini dengan nama yang kami sebutkan, pertama-tama Anda harus mengaktifkan berbagi lanjutan di Windows dan kemudian membagikannya. Berikut cara kerja berbagi lanjutan di Windows : Berbagi Pustaka atau Folder Menggunakan Berbagi Lanjutan(Advanced Sharing) .
Anda harus memberikan izin baca-saja kepada pengguna Semua orang . (Everyone)Anda juga dapat berbagi folder ini dengan akun pengguna tertentu, yang detail loginnya akan Anda gunakan nanti, selama proses instalasi jaringan(network installation process) . Sekali lagi(Again) , izin hanya baca sudah cukup.
Langkah 6 - Mulai Layanan
Mulai Serva(Start Serva) lagi, menggunakan izin administrator. Ini akan mendeteksi driver jaringan yang Anda tambahkan dan membuat beberapa perubahan, sehingga driver didistribusikan dengan benar saat Anda memulai proses instalasi(installation process) di komputer lain. Anda sekarang dapat membiarkannya terbuka dan menunggu koneksi jaringan.
Selanjutnya, buka komputer tempat Anda ingin menginstal Windows .
Langkah 7(Step 7) - Pada PC Target(Target PC) - Aktifkan Lan Booting & Boot dari Jaringan
Pergi ke komputer tempat Anda ingin menginstal Windows dan masuk ke BIOS -nya . Pastikan(Make) booting jaringan diaktifkan. Pengaturan ini dapat diberi nama "Boot dari jaringan"("Boot from the network") atau "Boot dari PXE"("Boot from PXE") .
Kemudian, nyalakan komputer dan tekan tombol yang diperlukan untuk membuka Menu Boot(Boot Menu) . Pada kebanyakan komputer, Anda perlu menekan F12 atau F8 , tergantung pada versi BIOS(BIOS version) . Pilih Jaringan(Network) atau PXE (sekali lagi, ini tergantung pada BIOS komputer Anda ), untuk boot dari jaringan, menggunakan Serva .

Jika semuanya baik-baik saja, Anda akan melihat layar seperti di bawah ini, di mana MAC komputer ditampilkan dan kartu jaringan(network card) meminta alamat IP(IP address) melalui DHCP .

Ketika komputer terhubung ke jaringan, Serva memuat dan menampilkan layar dengan sistem operasi yang tersedia untuk instalasi. Pilih yang Anda inginkan dan tekan ENTER .

File instalasi dimuat dan jendela kecil bernama ServaPENet ditampilkan. Pada langkah ini, Serva menginstal driver jaringan yang(network driver) Anda tambahkan sebelumnya, memuat sumber daya jaringan dan menghubungkan ke folder instalasi Windows . (Windows installation)Bergantung pada cara Anda membagikan folder WIA_WDS , Anda akan diminta untuk memberikan nama pengguna dan kata sandi(username and password) untuk mengaksesnya. Ketik detail akun pengguna(user account) yang Anda bagikan dan hubungkan.
Jika semuanya berjalan dengan baik, proses instalasi Windows(Windows installation) sekarang dimulai.
Langkah 8(Step 8) - Instal Windows Melalui Jaringan
Selanjutnya, lanjutkan dengan instalasi Windows(Windows installation) , seperti biasa. Jika Anda berencana untuk menginstal Windows 8 , periksa panduan instalasi(installation guide) ini : Cara Menginstal Windows 8 RTM di Komputer Anda(Your Computer) .
Memecahkan Masalah dengan Serva
Jika Anda tidak memperhatikan semua langkah dalam prosedur ini, beberapa hal kemungkinan akan gagal. Berikut adalah beberapa hal yang kami pelajari saat bereksperimen dengan alat ini:
If ServaPENet returns this error: "Failed No NIC/Driver, Aborting!", it means that you forgot to copy the network card drivers as instructed at Step 4. If you copied them and you still get the error, double check that you have the correct driver for the network card of the computer where you want to install Windows, for the Windows version you are about to install. Also, double check that you copied it to the correct folder. Then, restart Serva to make sure it detects the driver before the network installation procedure starts.
If, on the target computer, Serva is not able to load at all over the network, consider enabling the "Bind DHCP to this address" and "Bind TFTP to this address" settings in the DHCP and TFTP tabs.

One last piece of advice is to check the Serva logs. The messages shown there can help you troubleshoot different problems.
Tip bagus lainnya adalah me-restart Serva setiap kali Anda mengubah pengaturannya dan setiap kali Anda menambahkan sesuatu ke folder root(root folder) -nya .
Karena kami bukan pengembang perangkat lunak ini, kami tidak dapat memberikan dukungan untuk itu dan membantu Anda dengan semua masalah yang mungkin Anda alami. Jika panduan kami tidak membantu Anda, periksa kembali dokumentasi Serva - Serva Serva PXE/BINL - AN01: Windows Install dan panduan konfigurasi lanjutan - Topik Lanjutan di TFTP(Advanced Topics on TFTP) .
Seperti yang dapat Anda lihat dari panduan ini, menyiapkan segala sesuatunya dengan Serva membutuhkan sedikit waktu dan perhatian(time and attention) . Namun, ini adalah cara paling sederhana untuk menginstal Windows versi modern apa pun melalui jaringan. Ini berfungsi baik untuk jaringan rumah dan jaringan bisnis kecil atau menengah.
Jika Anda mengetahui alat lain yang berguna untuk menginstal Windows melalui jaringan, jangan ragu untuk membagikannya menggunakan formulir komentar di bawah.
How to Install Any Version of Windows from Other Network Computers
Talk about a complex thing to do: installing Windоws over the network. Evеn installing it via a USB drive is simpler. Howеver, this doesn't mean it cannot be dоne. Using a free tool named Serva and a bit of time and attention, anyone can set up his/her network environment so that Windows installations are performed with ease, from one network computer. Here's how the whole process works!
VERY IMPORTANT Prerequisites
There are many things you need to prepare beforehand, so that everything works smoothly. Please don't skip any of these elements or the likelihood of failure will be high:
You need to download and extract a little tool named Serva. Download the appropriate version for your operating system (32-bit or 64-bit). You will notice that there are a "Non-Supporter" version and a "Supporter" version. The free one is the "Non-Supporter" version. It includes a small annoyance when you start it, plus a few limitations that won't impact you unless you are a network admin or IT professional who needs to install lots of operating systems on many network computers. If you are such a professional, go ahead and purchase the "Supporter" version which costs a fair $29.99.

You need the original installation files for the operating system(s) you want to install over the network. Have them at hand as you will need to copy them to a special folder, as they are, without modifications.
For the computers where you are about to install Windows over the network, identify their exact network card model(s). Then, download the appropriate drivers for the Windows version you are about to install on them. By default, Windows setup programs support a limited number of network cards. If your system is rather new, then it is very likely that it won't support its network card and the installation procedure will fail.
Every time you run Serva, run it as administrator. This way it has the required permissions to create files, save the settings you make, etc.
When you run Serva, make sure that it is not blocked by your firewall. The application must be set as allowed on the computer where it runs, otherwise it won't be able to transfer anything over the network.
The computer where the installation files are stored and the one where you want to install Windows must be part of the same network. This means that you have a router on your home network, managing network IP addresses and network traffic. If not, then you should directly connect the two computers with a crossover cable.
Step 1 - Run Serva & Make Its Initial Configuration
Run Serva as administrator. The free version will ask you to wait for 7 seconds before you can use it. Once the wait is over, click "Thanks, not today".

Its window is now open. Click Settings.

First, go to the DHCP tab. If your computers are part of the same network and the management of IP Addresses is taken care of by your router, enable these settings: proxyDHCP and BINL.

BINL is a special add-on that acts as a DHCP protocol extension and it is used by Serva during its preparation and maintenance procedures. proxyDHCP is a special setting that tells Serva that it doesn't need to act as a DCHP server in order to provide IP addresses to the computers connecting to it.
Even though Serva's developers don't recommending enabling this setting, we have learned in our testing that it helps eliminate some issues. Therefore, also enable the box which says "Bind DHCP to this address" and leave the default IP address that is provided.

There is no need to modify other settings in this tab. Next, go to the TFTP tab.
TFTP comes from Trivial File Transfer Protocol and it is the protocol used by Serva to transfer files over the network. This protocol needs a bit of configuration as well.
First, check the box near TFTP Server. Then, you need to specify the so called "root" directory. This is the directory where you plan to store the Windows installation files. This folder can be the same folder where you extracted Serva or a new one. Keep in mind that you should use short paths and avoid using spaces and special characters (*, &, ", etc) in the directory name or its path.

To help eliminate problems in some networking environments, you might want to also check the box near "Bind TFTP to this address" and leave the default IP address unchanged.

Press OK to save your settings. Then close Serva and start it again (as administrator). During the restart, it will create a special folder structure in the root folder you specified.

Amongst those folders, you must find one named WIA_WDS and another named WIA_RIS. If they are not found inside the root folder you specified, something went wrong with Serva's configuration. If all is well, go ahead and read the next section in this article.
Step 2 - Copy the Windows Installation Files
Go to the root folder you specified. Here, you need to copy the Windows installation files, as they are, without any modifications from your side.
If you want to install older versions of Windows like Windows XP or Windows 2000, you need to copy those files in the WIA_RIS folder. Since these operating systems are very old and we don't recommend using them, we won't provide specific instructions for them.
If you plan to install Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8, then open the WIA_WDS folder. There, create a new folder named according to the Windows version you want to copy. Use simple folder names, with no spaces or special characters. For example, I used Windows_7.

Create separate folders, with different names for all the Windows versions you plan to install over the network, using Serva.
Inside that folder, copy and paste all the installation files for the Windows version you want to install over the network. Simply go to the root of the installation disc, and copy its entire file and folder structure.
Step 3 - Start Serva
Start Serva again, as administrator and wait for it to detect the installation files you added. It will create its special folder structure, required to distribute the installation files over the network.
Then, close Serva and go to the next step.
Step 4 - Copy the Network Card Driver(s)
Next, you need to copy the network card drivers for the computer(s) on which you want to install Windows.
Go the folder where you copied the installation files. In my case it was "D:serva" (both the root and Serva installation folder), followed by "WIA_WDSWindows_7".

There, go to "$OEM$$1DriversNIC". If you can't find these folders, create them yourself.
Then, extract the network card drivers and place them inside. If your drivers come as a setup.exe or as a self-extractable archive, extract it first. Make sure the driver's ".inf" and ".cat" files are stored directly in the NIC folder.
Step 5 - Share WIA_WDS Folder with the Network
In order for Serva to distribute the Windows installation files over the network, they need to be shared with the network, so that other computers can access them. Unfortunately, Serva requires you to share the WIA_WDS folder (and not its subfolders or other folders) using a very specific share name: WIA_WDS_SHARE. Using any other share name means that the installation procedure is likely to fail.

To share this folder with the name we mentioned, you first need to enable advanced sharing in Windows and then share it. Here's how advanced sharing works in Windows: Share Libraries or Folders Using Advanced Sharing.
You must give the user Everyone read-only permissions. You can also share this folder with specific user accounts, whose login details you will use later on, during the network installation process. Again, read-only permissions are enough.
Step 6 - Start Serva
Start Serva again, using administrator permissions. It will detect the network drivers you added and make a few changes, so that the drivers are distributed correctly when you launch the installation process on other computers. You can now leave it open and waiting for network connections.
Next, go to the computer(s) where you want to install Windows.
Step 7 - On the Target PC - Enable Lan Booting & Boot from the Network
Go to the computer where you want to install Windows and enter its BIOS. Make sure networking booting is enabled. This setting can be named "Boot from the network" or "Boot from PXE".
Then, start the computer and press the required key to bring up the Boot Menu. On most computers, you need to press F12 or F8, depending on the BIOS version. Select Network or PXE (again, this depends on your computer's BIOS), to boot from the network, using Serva.

If all is well, you should see a screen similar to the one below, where the computer's MAC is displayed and the network card requests an IP address via DHCP.

When the computer is connected to the network, Serva loads and displays a screen with the operating systems available for installation. Pick the one you want and press ENTER.

The installation files are loaded and a small window named ServaPENet is shown. At this step, Serva installs the network driver you added earlier, loads network resources and connects to the Windows installation folder. Depending on how you shared the WIA_WDS folder, it will ask you to provide a username and password to access it. Type the details of the user account you shared it with and connect.
If all went well, the Windows installation process is now started.
Step 8 - Install Windows Over the Network
Next, continue with the Windows installation, as usual. If you plan to install Windows 8, check this installation guide: How to Install Windows 8 RTM on Your Computer.
Troubleshooting Problems with Serva
If you don't pay attention to all the steps in this procedure, some things are likely to fail. Here are some things we learned while experimenting with this tool:
If ServaPENet returns this error: "Failed No NIC/Driver, Aborting!", it means that you forgot to copy the network card drivers as instructed at Step 4. If you copied them and you still get the error, double check that you have the correct driver for the network card of the computer where you want to install Windows, for the Windows version you are about to install. Also, double check that you copied it to the correct folder. Then, restart Serva to make sure it detects the driver before the network installation procedure starts.
If, on the target computer, Serva is not able to load at all over the network, consider enabling the "Bind DHCP to this address" and "Bind TFTP to this address" settings in the DHCP and TFTP tabs.

One last piece of advice is to check the Serva logs. The messages shown there can help you troubleshoot different problems.
Another good tip is to restart Serva every time you change any of its settings and every time you add something to its root folder.
Since we are not the developers of this software, we cannot provide support for it and help you with all the issues you might encounter. If our guide does not help you, then double check Serva's documentation - Serva PXE/BINL - AN01: Windows Install and advanced configuration guide - Advanced Topics on TFTP.
As you can see from this guide, setting things up with Serva requires quite a bit of time and attention. However, it is the simplest way of installing any modern version of Windows over the network. It works great both for home networks and small or medium sized business networks.
If you know other useful tools for installing Windows over the network, don't hesitate to share them using the comments form below.